Perspective : Noirs | OLIVER JONES (ENG)
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Oliver Jones, Montreal’s own celebrated Jazz pianist, began his career before he started kindergarten. Oliver was a child prodigy, and gave his first concerts at the tender age of 5. Classically trained, he went on to become the musical director of a Puerto Rican variety ensemble, the Kenny Hamilton Show Band, with whom he toured the Americas and Europe over a 15-year period. In the early 80s, Oliver came home to Montreal to make a name for himself in the jazz world. He made his first appearance at the famed Montreal Jazz Festival in 1981, and delighted fans by coming home to perform at the Fest every year until 1999. Amsterdam, New York, Copenhagen, Sydney – his music has spanned continents and cultures all around the world. At 78, Oliver is still active, and passionately involved in the jazz scene.
Place of birth: Montreal, Canada
Black roots from: West Indies (Barbados)
Profession: Jazzman
1. What I have learned in life from the fact of being Black :
What I have learned about being Black is, even if I forget from time to time about being black, someone will always be there to remind me by words or by their actions.
2. What I’d like to tell the young people reading my note :
Throughout our lives we will consistently be tested. Don’t use this as a excuse to stop trying. Try harder. Use this as a reason to achieve your full potential in life.
3. What I’d like to let an immigrant know :
When someone questions your status here in the Americas, tell them that unless their names are akin to » Sitting Bull or Geronimo » then they should be reminded that at one time or another – we were all Immigrants.
Regards Oliver Jones.
Version française ici
Description of Perspective: Noirs (FR)
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